Our Platform

Encourage and Support Volunteerism
Demand Accountability, Responsibility and Integrity on all boards and commissions
Support a safe, diverse, and inclusive community
Maintain the high Quality of Town Recreational Facilities
Respect and Support the people who keep us safe: Police, Fire and EMS
Easton’s Natural Beauty
Balance the needs of the town and the desire to preserve open space.
Support effective and fair zoning regulations.
Support small class size.
Maintain rigorous academic standards.
Support the safety and well-being of our children and staff.
Senior Citizens
Maintain senior tax relief program.
Support our Senior Center and the Municipal Agent for the Aging.
Fiscal Responsibility
Respect taxpayers’ ability to fund expenditures.
Maintain the town credit rating and only borrow when necessary.
Local Control
Encourage and support participation in our Town Meeting form of government.
Fight to maintain local control; including in zoning and our schools.