It's a new week but the same topics are at the forefront as last week.
Tonight is the Planning & Zoning Commission Information Session regarding our town's Plan of Conservation and Development. You can preview the presentation that will be made by our town's land use director, which is posted on the town website. It gives a good review of the town's current Plan of Conservation and Development, where we stand and steps we could take. Please take a look at it.
Much of the attention about tonight's meeting is on the presentation by Desegregate CT on their "Work, Live, Ride" proposal. The group is a major proponent of many of the housing and zoning changes being discussed in Hartford this year and in the past couple years. They focus on high density, transit-oriented development. It's not entirely clear how their presentation was planned or included in this meeting. Regardless, you can come to the Library Community Room at 7pm to see it in person or watch via Zoom.
I personally do not support the one-size-fits-all approach to zoning and strongly believe we as a town need to maintain local control of those decisions. We are unique in Easton, being a watershed community, and that needs to be considered in all zoning and development discussions.
On another big topic, budget meetings continue this week. The Board of Finance heard from many departments over three nights last week. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the the Board of Education budget presentation. Mark you calendar for Monday, March 27th for the budget public hearing. That's when the full budget will be presented and you can voice your thoughts.

Kristi Sogofsky
Easton Board of Selectmen