We all know the general election is coming up in November, but did you know the state primary is just a few weeks away?
It's on August 9th and only voters registered with a party can vote in that party's primary. The Republican ballot in Easton has three races: U.S. Senator, 4th District Congressman and Secretary of the State. Polls open in Easton at Samuel Staples Elementary School from 6 am to 8 pm.
If you are not yet registered with a party, there's still time. The Easton Registars of Voters have a voter registration session planned for Tuesday, July 26th from 2 to 4 pm. Stop by the Registrars' office in Town Hall.
You can also register to vote online until Monday, August 8th.
If you're unsure of your voter registration status, you can look it up on the Secretary of the State website.
For those who will not be in town on August 9th but still want to vote, the Town Clerk will have absentee ballots available starting Tuesday, July 19th. The town website has all the details on how to vote absentee. Keep in mind it is a two-step process. You must fill out an application for a ballot and then fill out your ballot.