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Town of Easton Board & Commission vacancies

Want to get involved in town? The following Boards & Commissions have vacancies that we need good people to fill! Please reach out to us at if interested!

Agricultural Commission (Alternate - 2 spots) -Filling vacant terms ending 1/2/2025 or 1/2/2026; full term is three years appointed by the Board of Selectmen

Agricultural Commission (Member) -Filling vacant term ending 1/2/2025; full term is three years appointed by the Board of Selectmen

Commission for the Aging (Alternate - 2 spots) -Filling vacant terms ending 1/2/2025 or 1/2/2026; full term is three years appointed by Board of Selectmen

-Filling vacant term ending 1/2/2026; full term is three years appointed by Board of Selectmen

Library Board of Trustees (Alternate) -Filling vacant term ending 1/2/2028; full term is four years appointed by Board of Selectmen

Pension & Employee Benefits Commission (Member) -Filling vacant term ending 1/2/2025; full term is four years appointed by Board of Selectmen

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